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    Artificial turf Encyclopedic knowledge >> Terminologies for artificial turf

    Terminologies for artificial turf

    Turf is made from: polyamides, polypropylene and polyethylene
    Most artificial turfs are made from polyethylene. Despite polyamides’ good wearability, its texture is too hard, easy to burn athletes’ skin, so it’s mainly used for landscape; due to its bad wearability and short service life, polypropylene is used narrowly; polyethylene is soft and good in wearability, so it is the
    preferred one for current contiguous playgrounds.

    The shape of turf: net turf and unifilar turf
    Net turf has been widely used in many fields in China, while unifilar turf has just become popular in
    recent years, and it looks more like natural grass. Due to its appearance and wearability, a little
    better than that of net turf, its price is usually higher that of net turf.

    The height of lawn
    The height of sports turf for football is usually 60mm in European and American markets while it is
    usually 40-55mm in China. If a turf remains unchanged in its density, its cost will get higher as the height
    is increased, so is the cost for auxiliary fillers and manpower. Under normal conditions, 50mm or so can meet operating requirements.

    The pound weight of turf

    It is usually divided into 6600DTEX, 8800DTEX, 9700DTEX, 12000DTEX, and 15000DTEX, etc., which express the weight of every ten thousand square-meter turf. Usually, 8800DTEX or above is used for football fields.

    The density of lawn
    When the turf is 50mm high, the density of the lawn is usually 10,500 points per square meter, but the density and pound weight of lawn have something to do with its height. As the height or pound weight increases, the density can be lowered properly. In brief, the weight of turf should be 1kg or so for one
    square meter.

    The gum on backer
    Usually, styrene butadiene rubber is used as gum while PU gum is used as better gum. The difference is
    that PU gum has a much better push-out force than styrene butadiene rubber, and not only that, but it looks more beautiful and is good in waterproofness. In addition, PU gum is more environmentally friendly, for it can be shaped once with fewer additives. However, due to its high costs, PU gum is usually priced 20%-30% more highly than styrene butadiene rubber.

    The type of backer
    It is usually divided into composite backer and three-layer backer with composite grids, and three-layer backer has a relatively higher strength of extension.

    The means of arrangement
    Usually, it falls into I-shaped arrangement and Z-shaped arrangement. Both can meet operating requirements, but Z-shaped arrangement can make turfs distributed more uniformly and make the adhesive force of turf gum stronger.