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    Artificial turf Encyclopedic knowledge >> The Cleaning of the artificial turf in kindergartens and families

    The Cleaning of the artificial turf in kindergartens and families

    The cleaning of the artificial turf in kindergartens and families:
    1. To clean such “aquiform” stains as juice, milk, ice cream and bloodstain, etc., we should use soap firstly before thoroughly washing the areas full of soap-suds  with the use of clean water; if necessary, use should be made of extra-absorbent towels to  suck the areas dry.
    2. Shoe cream, suntan oil and ball-point pen refill oil, etc. can be sucked dry with extra-absorbent towels after scrubbed with sponge dipped in perchloroethylene.
    3.  Paraffin, pitch and asphalt can be scrubbed forcibly with sponge dipped in perchloroethylene.
    4. Nail polish can be wiped with acetone.
    5. Oil paint and coating, etc. can be wiped with turpentine or paint stripper, and scrubbed with detergent and water. Afterwards, use cold water to wash the detergent and wipe it forcibly before cleaning it with sponge dipped in perchloroethylene.
    6. Chewing gum can be partitioned with Freon into patches and then the residue can be removed.
    7. Fungus or mildew can be wiped with water containing 1% of hydrogen peroxide before soaked in water completely.