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    Artificial turf Encyclopedic knowledge >> Binding technology for artificial turf

    Binding technology for artificial turf

    Preparations to the bonding of artificial turf:
    1. It is necessary to clean up the turf subface, non-woven fabrics and Joint cloth to be bonded together, with the surface to be dried without water.

    2. Construction is preferred when the environment temperature is above 5℃. Moreover, Construction is inappropriate when there are rains or plum rains, or more time will be taken for bonding and even failure will occur to bonding.

    Detailed construction progress:
    (1) Gelatinizing: A brush is needed for a uniform exterior coating, and repetitive gelatinizing is not allowed. Or  else, there will be blisters, which will even come off. Spread  glue on the backer, strictly control the thickness of the glue and pay an attention to the glueing speed, which should be proper. When the  glue is spread, both bonding planes to be glued should be glued up.

    (2) Bonding: In terms of such conditions as the current temperature, humidity and air pressure, etc., take proper control over the drying time. In most cases, within 10-30 minutes after gelatinizing, the drying degree of the mucilage will be 80 or 90%, and little stickiness is appropriate. All objects to be bonded should be matched exactly and cemented once. After bonding, it’s forbidden to move the bonded objects back and forth.

    (3) Pressure boost: After adhesion, eradicate the surface impurities and swat the bonding area towards both ends with a special rubber hammer, to make the surface hard and touch dense, so that the bonding will be stronger.

     (4) Solidification: The setting time is usually three days, while the detection time for the terminative intensity is usually ten days.  For this reason, during setting time, close attention should be paid to it for protection, to prevent it from excessive sunlight exposure, water logging and movement, for the sake of the optimum condition of the bonding.

    (5) After bonding and before the spread of quartz sand and rubber particles, rinse the fragments from the cutting of the grass.